All Classes and Interfaces

This class contains the java types the Firebolt data types are mapped to
NOTE: The code is modified to be compatible with CityHash128 used in ClickHouse
This class represents a Column type returned by the server
This class represents the types of exceptions that may be thrown
Starting from JaCoCo 0.8.2, we can exclude classes and methods by annotating them with a custom annotation with the following properties: The name of the annotation should include Generated. The retention policy of annotation should be runtime or class.
Supported data types.
ResultSet for InputStream using the format "TabSeparatedWithNamesAndTypes"
This class represents the database metadata for a system engine
Reader from clickhouse in lz4
Column names to include in the ResultSet as specified in the DatabaseMetaData javadoc
Represents a SQL query that can be sent to Firebolt to receive metadata info
A non query statement is a statement that does not return data (such as INSERT)
Class to configure the http client using the session settings
A query statement is a statement that returns data (Typically starts with SELECT, SHOW, etc.)
Class containing a query result that can be used to create a FireboltResultSet It is particularly useful for metadata methods as a ResulSet containing metadata info must be returned.
A Set param statement is a special statement that sets a parameter internally (this type of statement starts with SET)
This represents a statement that is ready to be sent to Firebolt or executed internally to set a param