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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.

Available Firebolt engine specs

The engine specs listed below are available in Firebolt. For more information, see Working with engines.

Name vCPU RAM (GB) Cache (GB)
Compute optimized      
C1 2 4 50
C2 4 8 100
C4 8 16 200
C8 16 32 400
C18 36 72 900
C24 48 96 1,800
C48 96 192 3,600
Storage optimized      
S1 2 15 475
S2 4 30 950
S4 8 61 1,900
S4E 8 64 5,000
S8 16 122 3,800
S12E 24 192 15,000
S16 32 244 7,600
S24E 48 384 30,000
S32 64 512 15,200
Memory optimized      
M1 2 16 75
M2 4 32 150
M4 8 64 300
M8 16 128 600
M16 32 256 1,200
M24 48 384 1,800
M48 96 768 3,600
B1 2 8 75
B2 4 16 150
B4 8 32 300
B9 16 64 600
B16 32 128 1,200
B32 48 192 1,800
B48 96 284 3,600