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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.


Returns an array that contains all matches of a <pattern> within the given <expression>. If the pattern does not match, returns an empty array. If you want return the first match of <pattern> within the <expression>, use REGEXP_EXTRACT.

REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(<expression>, <pattern>[,'<flag>[...]',[<index>]])
Parameter Description Supported input types
<expression> The string from which to extract a substring, based on a regular expression. TEXT
<pattern> A re2 regular expression for matching with the string. TEXT
<flag> Optional. Flag that allows additional controls over the regular’s expression matching behavior. If using multiple flags, you can include them in the same single-quote block without any separator character. Firebolt supports the following RE2 flags to override default matching behavior. With - in front, you can disable the flag.
* i - Specifies case-insensitive matching.
* m - Specifies multi-line mode. In this mode, ^ and $ characters in the regex match the beginning and end of the line.
* s - (Enabled per default) Specifies that the . metacharacter in regex matches the newline character in addition to any character in .
* U - Specifies non-greedy mode. In this mode, the meaning of the metacharacters * and + in regex <pattern> are swapped with *? and +?, respectively. See the examples using flags below for the difference in how results are returned.
<index> Optional. Indicates which subgroup of each expression match should be returned. The default value is 0 which means the whole match is returned, independent of any number of given subgroups. An INTEGER between 0 and N where N is the number subgroups in the <pattern>.

Return Types



	REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL('Hello Year 2023, yeah!', '[A-Za-z]+');

Returns: ["Hello", "Year", "yeah"]

Despite using subgroups in the regular expression, each full match will be returned as the optional <index> argument is not set (the default value 0 is used instead).

	REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL('Learning about #REGEX in #Firebolt 2023', '#([A-Z])[a-z]+', 'i');

Returns: ["#REGEX", "#Firebolt"]

The regular expression contains two subgroups which allows us to set the <index> argument to something between 0 and 2. Every other value will cause an exception to be thrown. Setting <index> to 0 would cause that all full matches ["#REGEX", "#Firebolt"] are returned (same behavior as not setting this value, see the example above), while a 2 would return the second subgroup of each match ["EGEX", "irebolt"].

	REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL('Learning about #REGEX in #Firebolt 2023', '#([A-Z])([a-z]+)', 'i', 1);

Returns: ["R", "F"]