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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.


Returns a percentile over a partition for an ordered data set. The result is equal to a specific column value, the smallest distributed value that is greater than or equal to the percentile .

PERCENTILE_DISC is available as a aggregation function. See also PERCENTILE_CONT, which calculates an interpolated result over a partition, rather than matching any of the specific column values.


PERCENTILE_DISC( <val> ) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY <expr0> [ { ASC | DESC } ] ) [ OVER ( PARTITION BY <expr1> ) ]
Parameter Description
<val> A double/float literal between 0.0 and 1.0.
<expr0> An expression used for the order by clause.
<expr1> An expression used for the partition by clause.

The return type of the function will be the same as the order by expression type. This function ignores NULL values.


The example below returns the 70th percentile value per student, partitioned by grade_level. The percentile value returned is a value from the data set.

	PERCENTILE_DISC(0.7) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY test_score) OVER (PARTITION BY grade_level) AS percentile


' +-------------+------------+
' | grade_level | percentile | 
' +-------------+------------+
' |       Frank |         85 |
' |       Peter |         85|
' |        Iris |         85 |
' |    Humphrey |         85 |
' |        Jojo |         85 |
' |       Sammy |         85 |
' |     Deborah |         85 |
' |     Yolinda |         85 |
' |      Albert |         85 |
' |       Shawn |         85 |
' |        Mary |         85 |
' |       Larry |         76 |
' |        Otis |         76 |
' |       Wanda |         76 |
' |       Carol |         76 |
' |    Roseanna |         76 |
' |    Shangxiu |         76 |
' |      Thomas |        100 |
' |     Charles |        100 |
' |      Franco |        100 |
' |   Brunhilda |        100 |
' |       Jesse |        100 |
' |        Gary |        100 |
' +-------------+------------+