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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.


Divides an ordered data set equally into the number of buckets specified by the argument value. Buckets are sequentially numbered 1 through the argument value.

For additional window functions, see Window Functions.


NTILE( <val> ) OVER ( [ PARTITION BY <expr0> ] ORDER BY <expr1> [ { ASC | DESC } ] )
Parameter Description
<val> An integer expression used for the NTILE() function to specify the number of buckets for division.
<expr0> An expression used for the partition by clause.
<expr1> An expression used for the order by clause.

If there is a remainder after dividing the rows in a partition by the argument value, it will result in buckets of different sizes. For example,

  • NTILE(2) over 5 rows will result in 2 buckets, the first with 3 rows, the second with 2
  • NTILE(3) over 5 rows results in 3 buckets, the first 2 with 2 rows each and the last with one.


The example below divides students with the same grade level into three groups.

	NTILE(3) OVER (PARTITION BY grade_level) AS ntile_buckets


' +------------+---------------+
' | first_name | ntile_buckets | 
' +------------+---------------+
' | Frank      |             1 |
' | Humphrey   |             1 |
' | Iris       |             2 |
' | Sammy      |             2 |
' | Peter      |             3 |
' | Jojo       |             3 |
' | Brunhilda  |             1 |
' | Franco     |             1 |
' | Thomas     |             2 |
' | Gary       |             2 |
' | Charles    |             3 |
' | Jesse      |             3 |
' | Roseanna   |             1 |
' | Wanda      |             1 |
' | Shangxiu   |             2 |
' | Larry      |             2 |
' | Otis       |             3 |
' | Deborah    |             1 |
' | Yolinda    |             2 |
' | Albert     |             3 | 
' +------------+---------------+