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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.

Connecting to DBeaver

DBeaver is a free open-source administration tool used to simplify working across a range of different database types. DBeaver can connect to Firebolt databases using our JDBC driver.

  1. Adding driver configuration in DBeaver
  2. Adding a database in DBeaver
  3. Querying your Firebolt database

Adding driver configuration in DBeaver

  1. Download the Firebolt JDBC driver.

  2. From the top navigation menu choose Database > Driver Manager.

  3. In Driver Manager, choose New.

  1. Enter parameters according to the following guidelines:
    • Driver Name: Firebolt.
    • Class Name: com.firebolt.FireboltDriver.
    • Under Libraries, choose Add File, and then choose the JDBC driver you downloaded in step 1.
  2. Choose OK.

Adding a database in DBeaver

  1. From the top navigation menu, choose Database > New Database Connection.

  2. Type Firebolt in the search box, and then select it from the list of databases.

  3. Choose Next.

  4. Enter parameters according to the following guidelines:

Parameter Description
JDBC URL Use the following URL: jdbc:firebolt://<db_name>

In the path above, be sure to replace <db_name> with the name of your Firebolt database. This enables you to query the database using its default engine.

If you wish to use a different engine than your default, use the following URL: jdbc:firebolt://<db_name>?engine=<engineName>

In the path above, replace <engineName> with the name of the engine you would like to use.
Username Your Firebolt username.
Password Your Firebolt password.
account If the user has access to multiple accounts, set the account setting under Driver Properties to the account name to which the engine belongs.

  1. Choose Test Connection. Make sure to start your database before you start the test and confirm the status is Connected as shown below.

  2. Choose Finish.

Querying your Firebolt database

  1. In the database navigator, right-click the database connection and choose SQL Editor. If a pop-up window appears, choose New Script.

  2. The SQL editor opens where you can run queries.