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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.


You are looking at legacy documentation for Firebolt’s deprecated date and timestamp type functions. New types were introduced in DB version 3.19.0 under the names PGDATE and TIMESTAMPNTZ, and made generally available in DB version 3.22.0.

If you worked with Firebolt before DB version 3.22.0, you might still be using the legacy date and timestamp types. Determine which types you are using by executing the query SELECT EXTRACT(CENTURY FROM DATE '2023-03-16');. If this query returns an error, you are still using the legacy date and timestamp types and can continue with this documentation. If this query returns a result, you are already using the redesigned date and timestamp types and can use the LOCALTIMESTAMP function instead.

Returns the current local timestamp in the time zone specified in the session’s time_zone setting.


The function can be called with or without parentheses:


Return Type



The function takes the current Unix timestamp (in the UTC time zone), converts it to the time zone specified in the time_zone setting, and returns it as a TIMESTAMPNTZ value. Two simultaneous calls of the function can return different timestamps, due to time zone conversion.


The following example assumes that the current timestamp is 2023-03-03 14:42:31.123456 UTC.

Observe how we return different TIMESTAMPNTZ values with different time zone settings:

SET time_zone = 'Europe/Berlin';
SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMPNTZ;  --> 2023-03-03 15:42:31.123456

SET time_zone = 'America/New_York';
SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMPNTZ;  --> 2023-03-03 09:42:31.123456